The eponymous character’s air of mystery quickly fades across the show’s eight episodes.
Review: In Apple’s ‘Bad Monkey,’ Vince Vaughn Channels Classic TV’s Sharp-Tongued Sleuths
Thanks in part to Vaughn’s performance, the series is zany, fun, and very far-fetched.
At its most formidable, the series finds remarkable pathos amid its absurdity.
The series concocts a hard-edged crime tale within the boundaries of a kid-friendly show.
The series amounts to little more than a 14th-century version of Love Island.
Cluttered with characters and tangents, the series struggles to do justice to its twisty narrative.
The series achieves striking emotional depth in its study of violence, subjugation, and ambition.
In its third season, the series dilates the plot, letting mood and character simmer.
The series ultimately amounts to a little less than the sum of its parts.
A twisty legal thriller revolving around a murky case and morally compromised characters.
The series splashes the screen with graphic battle sequences in a way that consistently advances the plot.
The series swings deftly between glitzy fun and somber reflection.
The series has morphed from a “social experiment” into TV’s most complex competition.
‘The Big Cigar’ Review: The Revolution Will Be Televised in Disorienting Split-Screen
The series lacks the craft and conviction of the shows and films it imitates.
The seven-part docuseries homes in on the health and culture surrounding saunas.
These shows prove the marathon-watching juggernaut’s equal concern for both quantity and quality.
With shoddy plotting and chaotic pacing, the series falls far short of the thought-provoking satire that it aims for.