Review: Joe Dante’s ‘Matinee’ Gets 4K UHD Blu-ray Collector’s Edition from Shout! Factory

Shout! upgrades its impressive previous version of the film with a stellar 4K transfer.

MatineeMade in the immediate wake of the Cold War’s end, Joe Dante’s 1993 comedy Matinee is informed by the nuclear panic that defined the conflict for generations. Throughout, the film foregrounds the incredible terror and anxiety of knowing that total oblivion could be a moment away, and how those fears can be mitigated by escapism.

Dante establishes the latter first, opening on a movie theater in 1962 Key West where a predominantly young audience watches a schlocky B movie about a man morphed into an ant by nuclear radiation. Shortly thereafter, two of the boys in attendance, Gene (Simon Fenton) and his younger brother, Dennis (Jesse Lee), are at home about to eat dinner when a TV broadcast is abruptly preempted to air President John F. Kennedy’s announcement of Soviets sneaking nuclear missiles into Cuba. Matinee immediately and strikingly delineates the sense of existential horror that grips child and adult alike from the controlled scares of the monster movies that Gene and Dennis adore.

Dante’s gift as a satirist has long been his ability to respect the severity of the topics he skewers while remaining a fundamentally light-hearted, accessible comic voice, and that holds true of his approach to Cold War-era society. Gene and his classmates are subjected to duck-and-cover drills and exaltations of the benefits of eating red meat with every meal, and Dante homes in on the absurdity of such instructions being so sincerely given, tacitly underlining how these school plans are shaped by the government and other special interests.


One can see the effects of this nonstop conditioning on the kids themselves, who speak with the chirpy patriotism one associates with 1950s propaganda films. One preteen girl dreamily talks about the “fighting boys” at a nearby base, while one of the many Navy brats at school constantly boasts of his attack readiness. Only Sandra (Lisa Jakub), a young girl who openly refuses to participate in nuclear drills for their obvious futility, breaks the mold of obedient schoolchildren, and her peers quickly denounce her as a communist.

Amid mounting panic over the Cuban Missile Crisis, Key West becomes the site of a preview screening of Mant!, the new creature feature by schlockmeister Lawrence Woolsey (John Goodman), who’s a consummate professional at drumming up interest in his work. The William Castle stand-in even has some of his actors protest the film in order to generate controversy and boost ticket sales, and after renting out the town’s movie theater for his exhibition, he installs motors in the seats so as to ensure that audiences more fully interact with Mant!

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Woolsey gladhands almost as a reflex and cajoles producers, exhibitionists, and potential customers alike with a gregariousness that’s impossible to resist no matter how hard people try. Cigar permanently planted in his mouth or between his index and middle fingers, the man is a testament to the concept of being “on-brand.” Yet there’s a benevolence to Woolsey’s demeanor, from his avuncular interactions with super-fan Gene to the visible pleasure he gets in shocking crowds. Late in Matinee, the director takes one look at a flimsy bomb shelter clearly assembled by some fly-by-night operation to make a quick buck and laments, “I’m in the wrong business,” but it’s obvious that he’d never be as happy just fleecing people for pure profit.


Indeed, Woolsey’s desire to entertain is so great that he assembles a theatrical experience so intricate and multilayered that the Mant! screening comprises the entire final act of the film. At first, Woolsey’s gimmicks are relatively tame, form the gentle rumble of the theater’s seats, to a local teen who wears a Mant costume in order to scare audiences.

Gradually, though, things spin out of control, with interpersonal conflicts coming to a head in the theater and the gimmicky effects getting more and more intense until the theater threatens to split in half and the audience’s pent-up nuclear terror is unleashed in a chaotic catharsis that terrifies the crowd but leaves them feeling ultimately reinvigorated. As much as the film pokes fun at classic B-movie dreck, the finale upholds the genre as a means not only of tackling subjects largely barred from mainstream, “respectable” cinema of the era but also providing a sense of release from the anxieties of the Cold War era.


Shout! Factory has used its 4K upgrades of earlier Blu-ray releases to rectify some of its over-aggressiveness with DNR, and this presentation of Matinee—sourced from a new 4K restoration overseen by Joe Dante—is no exception. The occasional instances of waxiness on the 2017 Blu-ray are gone, replaced by consistently stronger detail and better film grain retention. The bold colors of John Hora’s cinematography pop even more radiantly in native 4K, and contrast is generally sharper throughout the film. The disc comes with the same 2.0 stereo track from the 2K Blu-ray, as well as a souped-up new Atmos track. Both keep dialogue clear in the center, and the original stereo is a better reflection of the retro style of the film. However, the Atmos track makes for a more overwhelming experience during the extended climax.



This release comes with almost all the extras on Shout!’s 2017 Blu-ray, with the surprising exception of the standalone version of the film-within-the-film Mant! More noteworthy than the deleted and extended scenes that contain little more than superfluous lines of dialogue are the making-of documentaries for both Matinee and Mant!, as well as interviews with members of the cast and crew, including Dante and actress Lisa Jakub, the latter of whom discusses the camaraderie among the young actors and how much trust Dante placed in them. Elsewhere, production designer Steven Legler recounts the challenges of working on a limited budget.

Refreshingly, this 4K release appends a few newly commissioned extras, most significantly a commentary track by critics Drew McWeeny and Eric Vespe that goes deep on Dante’s career. Also included are two new interviews, one with actress Kellie Martin and one with actor David Clennon, who both offer distinctive perspectives on working on Matinee.


Shout! Factory upgrades its already impressive previous version of Joe Dante’s cult classic with a stellar 4K transfer and even more extras, including a commentary track.

 Cast: John Goodman, Cathy Moriarty, Simon Fenton, Omri Katz, Lisa Jakub, Kellie Martin, Jesse Lee  Director: Joe Dante  Screenwriter: Charlie S. Haas  Distributor: Shout! Factory  Running Time: 100 min  Rating: PG  Year: 1993  Release Date: June 25, 2024  Buy: Video

Jake Cole

Jake Cole is an Atlanta-based film critic whose work has appeared in MTV News and Little White Lies. He is a member of the Atlanta Film Critics Circle and the Online Film Critics Society.

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